Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany

The German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) is the appropriate authority in Germany for passenger and baggage screening on the airports. On airports such as Berlin or Stuttgart this task is performed on behalf and under supervision of the Federal Police by private security companies. BMI has also the competency in Germany for staff training in the field of aviation security. The training of screeners and the measurement of performance in this field is considered to be of great significance. BMI is a member of the European Aviation Security Committee (Art. 9 of Regulation EG 2320/2002).

Specific role in the project:

  • Provides information for the project exploration phase and the development of the preemployment assessment tests;
  • Provides screeners for conducting on job occupational tests and the on job assessment practices review;
  • Provides information for the development of the reference levels framework; and
  • Valorisation activities.

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