The overall aim of the project is to develop appropriate competence and qualification assessment tools and to propose a reference levels framework (RLF) for airport screeners in the aviation sector at national and cross/sectoral level.


The deep concern of the increasing threat of acts of unlawful interference leaded to rapid and wide development of new requirements towards the aviation security systems worldwide including the human factor impact. Working in an area, where unification is a crucial efficiency and effectiveness prerequisite, it's noticeable that there are no shared occupational competence profiles at sector and national level that could serve selection process, training material development, certification and mobility.

When was VIA PROJECT approved?

The project was submitted for approval in September 2005 under the Call 2005 of European Commission Leonardo da Vinci programme - a seamless continuation of Community action that has been undertaken for twenty years in the vocational training field.
The Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency has, since January 2006, taken over from the European Commission - Directorate General Education and Culture, the task of managing the evaluation and selection procedure for the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Following a thorough evaluation procedure carried out by the Executive Agency with the assistance of independent external experts, on July 20th 2006 the VIA PROJECT proposal was selected for funding under the Leonardo da Vinci programme. Of 110 submitted proposals only 14 have been selected for funding (12.7%).

Who finances VIA PROJECT?

The financial assessment of the proposal resulted in a consolidated budget of 953.324 Euro where:
  • The Executive Agency co-finances the project at 58 %
  • The project partners are contributing to the project 42 % of the total budget

How does VIA PROJECT fit into a European Strategy?

The Directive on professional qualifications adopted on 6 June 2005 is the legal instrument at EU level that is binding on Member States whenever it comes to the recognition of professional qualifications in the field of regulated professions.
The reference levels, with their associated descriptors, can form a framework and a language that can be used to compare vocational learning in different settings. As such, a new reference levels framework for VET and associated administrative arrangements are essential for the future implementation of ECVET.
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